happy birthday!
Of course we have no idea what their birthdays actually are, but we declared July 4th as Gazoo’s birthday based on the vet’s estimate. And then When Phelix joined the family 5 years later, he was also thought to have been born in July, so we gave him a July 4th birthday as well.
Gazoo walked up the stairs and onto our porch almost ten years ago. She walked in to the house, used the litter box, and never left. Phelix we adopted from as a rescue. We had hopes of them getting along, but Gazoo generally is just annoyed at his toddler ways.
Gazoo doesn’t mind car rides (unless Phelix is in the car too), loves cheese and greens, and is going to terribly miss Camille when she leaves for college. She loves her 5pm wet food and her tail toy; she doesn’t have a tail of her own. She loves that we moved down the hall to an apartment with direct sunlight and curls up on the dishwasher when it is running. She hates any mess on the counter; she’s broken an insane number of bowls and glasses in her time.
Phelix is a lovable disaster. He loves his friends and doesn’t like any one else. He runs to grab the dish towel off the stove every time we walk in. He loves to go for hikes at Arabia; Chloe taught him to swim in the creek this year. He still hates rain and baths. He loves Gazoo’s 5pm wet food – he gets to lick the can!

GBK Gwyneth
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