Written by GBK Gwyneth31 May, 2015
snapshots from gooney road – 31 may 2015
photo-a-day Article
Today is National Macaroon Day. Phil and Barbara left early for Texas. I spent the morning cleaning and doing more trip preparations. Chloe went to the square with friends. Camille and I relaxed.

Written by GBK Gwyneth31 May, 2015
prepare to pack!
Air Travel . Rants Article
Back when we hit the road a couple or more of times a month, we were expert packers. And when we flew? We haven’t checked a bag in forever. Well, except within Turkey and within Greece. Turkey because of fingernail clipper rules and such other even-more-restictive-than-the-TSA rules. Greece because I was worried about the size

GBK Gwyneth