Written by GBK Gwyneth30 May, 2015
snapshots from gooney road – 30 may 2015
photo-a-day Article
Today is Ice Cream Freezer Patented and National Mint Julep Day. I got up early to take care of my daily things and some of my monthly things as well. The girls got up a bit later and then we headed out to Target and Barnes and Noble for a few more supplies for our

Written by GBK Gwyneth30 May, 2015
happiness project: blogs + misc (jun)
happiness Article
Empower and Energy, Project 44 and the monthly projects in my Happiness Project … so many projects! In reality, they are all facets of the same project, guiding me to finish or give up old projects and move forward on the ones that are most important to me. May’s main theme was Volunteering. I continue

GBK Gwyneth