summer passport 2013: wrap-up
It is now closer to Summer 2014 than Summer 2013, so it is high time that we complete our summer 2013 passport project!
To recap, we started out by creating a list of 67 activities, one for each day of summer, that we thought would be fun to do during the summer and by buying some little notebooks. The list evolved during the summer as we realized there were other things we wanted to do and some that wouldn’t be possible or no longer sounded like fun. As we completed activities, we put the photos in out notebooks and crossed the activity off the list.
While it was a good motivator to keep us busy and from being too lazy during the summer, sometimes the project felt like a bit too much pressure to DO MORE THINGS. I finally realized that we didn’t have to actually do everything on the list. Whew. Pressure off.
We continued to work on the list once the summer was over. At the end of 2013, I decided to declare Summer 2013 over. We finished up our passport books. We decided to just let some activities go. Others we put on our plans for Summer 2014.
GBK Gwyneth
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