Written by GBK Gwyneth17 December, 2011
courthouse – 17 dec 2011
photo-a-day Article
Today I headed out for a walk to the library and the grocery store — I am soon to be the foursquare mayor at boh places, I think. While walking, I found a “bill folio” (you know, that black faux leather folder that your restaurant bill comes in and that you place your credit card

Written by GBK Gwyneth17 December, 2011
Decatur: Bonfire on the Square
decatur Article
Our first “Bonfire on the Square”! The weather was slightly uncooperative – 70 degrees is just not chilly enough to merit a need for added warmth. The kids didn’t mind getting in close to roast their marshmallows. Or, sometimes, set the marshmallows on fire and then swing their flaming torches. I was pleased to see

GBK Gwyneth