meal planning (again)
Once again, I’m frustrated by what we are eating, daily trips to the grocery store, last minute scramble to get dinner on the table. I wonder what it is about early spring that inspires me to work on improving our meal time habits? Last March, I wrote Food for Good Thoughts about how I was canceling the meal planning service I had been using because of its reliance on processed food.
Now I’m back to using it again as of two days ago, but with a twist. I have about a year’s worth of menus saved on the computer downstairs. I printed out the oldest of the plans and Camille and Chloe chose three of the seven meals. I asked them to only pick ONE that uses “fake meat”. I’ve been a little nervous about how much fake meat we’ve been eating, both because of issues with too much soy and also because we end up not eating as many veggies as I’d like. For the three recipes they chose, we modified the recipes to use fresh ingredients wherever possible. It ended up being a few simple changes.
So perhaps I was too hasty in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I’d really, really like to find a way to make meal planning not be such a struggle, yet still have fresh, healthy food on the table each night!

GBK Gwyneth
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