Written by GBK Gwyneth14 February, 2011
whoo! – 14 feb 2011
photo-a-day . pine lake Article
Another beautiful day here in Pine Lake! We spotted this cute owl on our wanderings through the hamlet today.
Written by GBK Gwyneth14 February, 2011
It’s the Blueberries, I’m Sure!
Uh oh. Having been home for two weeks straight, eating better (it’s the blueberries, gotta be the blueberries), and, perhaps, the arrival of a taste of spring have brought me loads of energy. I’m getting all my usual things done with lots of energy to spare. With this energy and time, I’ve been tackling all
Written by GBK Gwyneth14 February, 2011
Roadtrip: The Beaten Path
Getting There Article
I’m fond of saying things like “Getting there is half the fun!” or “The journey is as much a part of the adventure as the destination.” But, I admit, there are certain trips we’ve taken so many times that we now have a “system” for them. We stay in the same highway hotels and, even,
GBK Gwyneth