It’s that time of year again. Time to reflect and time to plan. Time to take stock and time to let go.
Along with most folks, I have a laundry list of New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve made them in the past, of course. Some have stuck, while others have only lasted until the first boat-rocking event. So this year, I resolve to not make resolutions that I can’t keep.
I have a short list of things that I am going to take the time to pursue both in learning new things and in working towards being healthier. But, the one that is going to challenge me the most is, I think, resolving to allow people to take photos of me. I am not going to resolve to like the photos, but I will do my best not to hide or make ugly faces when someone (usually my mom) wants to take a photo.
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GBK Gwyneth
Great resolutions! I recently read a photographer who said that she estimated the number of photos she had taken over the past year in the hundreds of thousands—-and the number of photos that she had of herself from that past year? Eight! I find it so much harder to smile for the camera now than when I was 10, 20 years younger. But, I’m sure the kids will want photos—it’s a great resolution to get into the frame more often.