Let It Snow!
We’d been hearing the reports all week. It was a topic of discussion at last night’s Progressive Dinner. But it arrived a day early … Snow in Atlanta!
While I sipped my morning coffee, I watched the sky progress from clear and blue to overcast, grey and heavy. I began to hear via @ajc that snow was moving into the area, so I told the girls to keep their eyes peeled. And sure enough, some white stuff started to come out of the sky, prompting the girls to don their winter gear and run around in the yard, whooping and hollering. At that point, the “winter precipitation” was not snow, but some sort of “micro-hail”. After a while, it turned into snow and came down harder and harder, sticking to some surfaces. Chloe said “The snowflakes look like ‘real’ snowflakes! You can see the details!” Then, as quickly as it started, it stopped. Nevertheless, the snow put me in the mood to work on Christmas cards for an hour

GBK Gwyneth
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