I can hardly believe that 2010 is coming to a close .. and that Christmas has already been celebrated. But, alas, it has. Our lights and tree will stay up until the 6th, and I couldn’t be happier! I’m not at all ready to take down all of our holiday decorations!
As is our family tradition, on Christmas eve we opened all of our holiday cards. The kids love the ritual of sitting down together and enjoying going through the stack of cards one by one. We left out cookies, carrots and egg nog for Santa and the reindeer before going to bed, of course.
The girls would normally sleep past 10pm if I let them, but they were up at 5am (I sent them back to bed). They managed to last until almost 7am before coming back down again to empty their stockings and open their gifts! Camille’s gift pile was mostly yarn and fiber type things. Chloe loves her new guitar and almost cried when she opened her American Girl doll. Rob is enjoying his new telescope. We spent a pleasant day at home; in the evening, the snow started to fall and stick, making it a white Christmas after all!

GBK Gwyneth
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