what do you read in your free (ha ha) time? Has it changed through the years?
when I finished my thesis, I read nothing but absolute fluff (note that for me absolute fluff is Fern Michaels and similar). As I got further away from needing to give my brain a break, I also ended up with a kid (Camille). I started reading nonfiction again. I read every single book I could find on pregnancy, babyhood, attachment parenting, raising “connected” kids, and the rest.
Every once in a while, I’ll get stuck on a topic and read all I can, but these days I tend to be prety balanced in my young adult fiction, popular fiction, and nonfiction (though at least half are travel narratives). However, I noticed a strange phenomenon on my bedstand this morning. I’m returning to my nerdy roots ….
I do try to keep a list of my books, both at LibraryThing and here on my blog.

GBK Gwyneth
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