While I was frenetically scheduling our lives on Thursday, I decided that whenever I tried to explore my cookbooks, make up weekly menus and create shopping lists, I could only do this for a few weeks before something threw me off. I thought it would be so cool if I could find weekly menus with grocery lists made up so I’d just have to print them out and head to the store.
And, I found such a site! That even offers vegetarian menus! e-Mealz.com. I’ve made a few meals from this week’s menu already; we had lettuce wrapped burgers and cucumber salad one night and spicy tacos on pita another night. I’m happy that the shopping lists are well organized and don’t call for exotic ingredients. As for the meal plan itself, I’m sensing that there it relies on “fake meat” a bit more than I’d like and doesn’t use as many veggies as I’d like. I think that I can improvise a bit here and there to make it fit my liking.
In any case, I think it will take a huge pressure off me of trying to decide each day what to have. If the kids don’t like the meal, then it isn’t my fault — I didn’t choose it!

GBK Gwyneth
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