Written by GBK Gwyneth27 March, 2011
coming soon to stores near you
parenting Article
(If they haven’t already arrived, that is…) Strollers complete with DVD players and/or slots for your toddler’s iPad: I did a double take when I saw this at the starting line of today’s Capitol 10K. At first I was disgusted. Isn’t there plenty for a child in a jog stroller to see, especially in the
Written by GBK Gwyneth22 March, 2011
Do you know these people?
rant Article
Seriously, I have to wonder who these people are. I don’t think I know them. Do you? Where do they come from? In the past few days, I’ve been researching (read: “googling”) a number of topics, and I find that the answers to questions (Yahoo questions mostly, I think) and comments on forums and blogs
GBK Gwyneth