photo friday: tiny worlds
I don’t often get the chance to take things slowly. There is a crisis in the making at all times, so I generally try to live five steps ahead. Every once in a while, I remind myself to “Go slow, live in the moment.” But then the panic sets in again, and I forget. Today

photo friday: cloudland canyon
A chilly, yet lovely, weekend camping on the West Rim of Cloudland Canyon. Hiking, resting, geocaching.

Sunrises at the Hike Inn are the best!

photo friday: driftwood beach
A beautiful, surreal beach. And every time we’ve gone – it is practically deserted!

photo friday: mini-golf
I am usually not a fan of mini-golf, but Chloe and I had a great time golfing while on Jekyll!

photo friday: sand dollars
You have to watch where you step, because the beach at Jekyll is littered with these guys. I’m never sure if I should toss them back into the ocean or leave them where they are …

hike inn.
Chloe and I went on an adventure … We hiked the five miles up to the Hike Inn at Amicalola Falls State Park! Chloe did great! I was amazed at how well she handled it. I had been to the Hike Inn before and knew that there were some hills that would cause me to

hot tea hike with ranger robby.
Chloe did not have a good night’s sleep. Her mouth and face hurts from her new braces. At first, she was unwilling to get up early for a hike. But then she rallied. And we headed out … and Phelix was so unhappy. I feel so guilty that I’m taking him out for a hike

spring on the mountain – 5 feb 2017
Saturday I was in pain from having pushed myself too hard at the gym — pulled something in my right arm. But on Sunday? Time to hit the mountain. Phelix and I tried a new-to-us section of trail; he likes new trails, but when he gets close to his trail, he *runs*. We ran into

walk in the woods.
It’s been too long. FAR too long. But today the to do list was blissfully short. The girl was in a good mood. The weather was perfect (41 and sunny). My knee didn’t hurt. So off we went. Chloe, Phelix, and I. I forced them into a small detour; I am quite ignorant of the

wilburn farm trail – 23 nov 2016
Work is a bit slow at the moment due to the holiday, so I took the time to try a new hike, the Wilburn Farm Trail. As usal, we saw no one the whole time we were out on the trail, which wound up a hill and then into the farm and past a little

cascade trail – 11 nov 2016
After a brisk and informative walk with Ranger Robby, I drove over to the Cascade Trail to try out the “Roll Project” in black and white. I love the shallow depth of field on many of these, but I think I may have overdone it.

arabia mountain – 10 nov 2016
Phelix and I went off to our happy place again today. This time we went “off trail” a bit more that usual in order to try to get a better feel for how everything fits together.

vaughter’s farm – 4 nov 2016
Homework for my Composition class at the Showcase School this week is to “take a roll” of photos. So no deleting. I gave myself one small break … If the pup pulled while I was taking a photo (as he often does), I could delete it. I tried hard to choose interesting subjects and take

around atlanta: chihuly nights
Back in August, I stopped in at the Atlanta Botanical Garden to renew our family membership so I would be all set to buy tickets for Chihuly in the Garden. First, we put off going due to the heat. Then we couldn’t find the time with Camille’s play. And then it got to the last

around atlanta: star provisions
Next stop on goal of learning more about Atlanta was Westside Provisions District and Star Provisions. We first tried to eat breakfast at West Egg, but the wait was ano hour long, so we passed on it. Instead, we wandered through the shops and got to Star Provisions, which turned out to be a perfect

but I also live in a big city.
While I love living in a small town (today I pulled up next to a friend at a red light and rolled down my window to wish her a happy birthday — small town), but I also live in a big city. This was not the big city I dreamed of living in. Growing up

around atlanta: arabia mountain
A cool morning at long last. Phelix and I left home by 7am, but we really should have left earlier – I kept waiting for signs of sunrise, but the clouds deceived me. We spent the most lovely two hours hiking at Arabia; our happy place. It has been three months since we were able

atlanta area: monastery of the holy spirit
I’ve been wanting to visit for years, but never found the right time or anyone to go with me. I decided earlier this year that I’m not going to wait any longer. I will do the things I want to do, even if it means going alone. So when I saw the “Monastery of the

atlanta: compiling a bucket list
Atlanta in one year. What do you do? What do you see? If all goes according to plan, Camille will leave for college in one year. While she’s lived in Atlanta for almost her whole life and we’ve found some favorite places, I know there are Atlanta institutions that she has missed. Last week, we

GBK Gwyneth