not my job.
In some ways, it is *exactly* my job. But in oh so many ways, it is not. The other day, I received this comment on my blog post about DOcplex: Even when I followed your method, I got the following errors: DOcplexExceptionTraceback (most recent call last) in () 1 mdl.print_information() … DOcplexException: CPLEX runtime not
project 4: west nile virus
For this project we were tasked with predicting the presence of West Nile Virus in traps in Chicago. This was a group project. View the full notebook.

the data will out.
Over a month ago (how time flies), we were asked to pull together three ideas for a “Capstone” project for my General Assembly Data Science Immersive class. I was not feeling particularly inspired at the time and searched for data sets within my non-academic interests. I proposed three datasets (not projects): AirBnB in Paris, NYC

rabbit holes.
Despite my “ace” upon entering the Data Science bootcamp (the goal is typically a job placement, but I was fortunate enough to have that already in hand), I was not going to let my luck prevent me from dedicating myself to the class that I had been coveting for so long….even though the time and

scraping weather data.
As I explored the data for my Data Science Immersive Capstone project, I realized with much disappointment that the data was simply not as I interesting as I had hoped it might be. While there were some predictions and inferences I would be able to make, the data did not lead to much in the

resources for data science.
As I mentioned in Balancing the Boat, I have been following the growth of Data Science for years. I never had the time to dive deep, but the desire was always there. Through the journey of learning about Data Science, I have gathered a number of resources. I hope that by gathering them together here

python: generalized pipeline
For my latest General Assembly Data Science Immersive project (http://gobbledygoon.com/2018/09/project-3-reddit-predictions/), I wanted to test a whole bunch of different classification models on my data very quickly. I admit that I have a few organizational “rabbit holes” (I like to think these are GOOD things when it comes to coding): Never type anything twice…. Boring. If

project 3: reddit predictions
For this project we were tasked with predicting on which of two subreddits a post was made.

balancing the boat.
For the past few years, life has been all about re-balancing the boat after surge after surge. But one thing had been constant: my job. While my “in country managers” and reporting structure was always changing, I was working with the same group that I had been working with for 21 years. It was staable,

project 2: ames housing data
For this project we are tasked with making sales price predictions for house sales in Ames, Iowa, based on certain characteristics.

Project 1: College test participation rates
For our first project, we’re going to take a look at SAT and ACT scores around the United States. Suppose that the College Board – the organization that administers the SAT – seeks to improve the participation rate of its exams. Your presentation should be geared toward **non-technical** executives with the College Board and you

work: new way to install COS CE and DOcplex!
Just as I finished my series of posts on how to : install DOcplex solve a DOcplex model using a local solver solve a DOcplex model on the cloud use DOcplex in a Jupyter notebook an exciting new announcement was made … CPLEX for Python is now available on ANACONDA CLOUD! Getting up and running

work: using DOcplex in a Jupyter notebook
Now that you have installed IBM® Decision Optimization CPLEX® modeling for Python (DOcplex), installed IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio Community Edition, and obtained a DOcplexcloud API key, you can solve optimization problems both locally and on the cloud. Our next step is to use DOcplex and solve optimization problems from within a Jupyter notebook. Jupyter

work: solving a DOcplex model on the cloud
As mentioned in solving a DOcplex model using a local solver, there are restrictions on the Community Edition of IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio which make it difficult to solve a problem of any real consequence. If you would like to test out some larger optimization problems, you can register for a thirty day free

work: solving a DOcplex model using a local solver
Once you have DOcplex installed, it is possible to model your optimization problem. But now, how do you solve your problem? In this post, I will describe one of two choices for solving models, using a local installation of IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio. I will describe the other, using the cloud, in a future

work: installing DOcplex
On this snowy (fingers crossed), slow Friday at work, I set myself a simple project. Get DOcplex up and running on our home computer, a Mac. First, what is DOcplex? IBM® Decision Optimization CPLEX® modeling for Python (aka DOcplex) makes it possible to model optimization problems using Python. Once a problem is modeled in Python,

TEDx Peachtree
As part of my “figuring out what comes next” project, I signed myself up to attend TEDxPeachtree. Easy to sign up, but when the time approached, I got more and more nervous. How was I going to make it through the whole day? What could I possibly have to say to strangers when we met?

it’s a small world, after all.
Everyone’s heard of the “six degrees of separation”. But every time I find a new, unexpected connection out there, I get a bit giddy. You’ve been there. Right there on Facebook. A friend of yours comments on another friend’s status. But wait! This isn’t a friend circle. How does that kindie follower in NYC know

python adventures.
With nothing pressing at work and most of my coworkers out for an extended winter break, I thought that maybe I would tackle an interesting project. Of the many ideas I came up with, I decided that getting started with learning Python might be a nice challenge. Step 1. Find a good tutorial. I found

brain training.
I like to believe that I used to be smart. I always did well in school and completed my doctorate at age 25. But then something happened. Maybe it was a serious case of the so-called “mommy-brain”. Or too much multi-tasking to keep up with being a homeschooling, traveling, working mom. Or too little time

GBK Gwyneth