she’s distracted.
So I’m feeling pretty low at the moment.
Homeschooling Chloe is incredibly different than homeschooling Camille. It’s like night and day, and, honestly, it is driving me nuts. Camille, for the most part, knows how to sit down, look at the list of tasks for the week, figure out what she needs to do for the day and get to work. And she’s known how to do this pretty much from when she was in “first grade”.
Chloe, even when she gathers the pile of books, can’t keep herself on task. She’s hungry, she’s tired, she’s thirsty, she needs to pet the cat. Even when she knows how to do the work, she needs someone to hold her hand while she gets it done. She’ll come up with every excuse possible on why she can’t figure out what to do. The thing is, she CAN do it. I don’t want to be a homework babysitter. I don’t mind working with her on the things she is learning…I’m the homeschooling facilitator here, that’s my job.
I’m exhausted at the end of the day of constantly fighting, prodding, hand-holding. I hope she soon figures out that the whole house and family flows a lot better when she sits down and gets her work done. As with everything else, this too shall pass (I hope). But for now, please understand that I am at wit’s end !!
GBK Gwyneth
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