Written by GBK Gwyneth7 March, 2022
celebrations: week 10
celebrations Article
Coming up this week:
7: National Cereal Day
8: International Working Women’s Day and National Peanut Cluster Day
9: National Napping Day and Mailbox Patented and National Meatball Day
10: Harriet Tubman Day and International Day of Awesomeness and National Blueberry Popover Day and Middle Name Pride Day and National Pack Your Lunch Day and National Hug Your Dog Day
11: Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day and Johnny Appleseed Day
12: Girl Scout Day and Plant a Flower Day and Holi
Girl Scout Days
I Know the Girl Scout Promise
13: Good Samaritan Day and Ear Muffs Day and Coconut Torte Day
March 13th- Good Samaritan Involvement Day
Our celebrations from week 9:
1: Mardi Gras
5: National Cheese Doodle Day
6: National Oreo Cookie Day
GBK Gwyneth
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