celebrations: week 26
coming up this week: 24: International Fairy Day and National Pralines Day and National Handshake Day 25: Log Cabin Day and National Strawberry Parfait Day 26: Bicycle Patented and National Chocolate Pudding Day and National Canoe Day 27: Sunglasses Day and National Orange Blossom Day and National Pineapple Day and Great American Backyard Campout 28:

celebrations: week 25
coming up this week: 17: Eat Your Vegetables Day and National Apple Strudel Day 18: International Picnic Day and National Cherry Tart Day and International Sushi Day 19: Garfield’s Birthday and World Juggling Day 20: National Ice Cream Soda Day and National Vanilla Milkshake Day and Summer Solstice 21: National Peaches & Cream Day and

celebrations: week 24
coming up this week: 10: Iced Tea Day and Ball Point Pen Day 11: National Corn on the Cob Day and ET movie premieres and Kamehameha Day and Hug Holiday and National German Chocolate Cake Day 12: National Peanut Butter Cookie Day and Red Rose Day and Loving Day and National Children’s Day 13: Sewing

celebrations: week 23
coming up this week: 3: Repeat Day and National Egg Day 4: National Hug Your Cat Day and National Cheese Day 5: World Environment Day and National Gingerbread Day 6: National Yo-Yo Day 7: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day and Daniel Boone Day and National Moonshine Day and National Donut Day – 1st Friday in

GBK Gwyneth