celebrations: week 48
Coming up this week: 27: National Bavarian Cream Pie Day 28: National French Toast Day 29: National Lemon Cream Pie Day 30: National Mousse dayChocolate Mousse December:1: National Pie Day and Eat a Red Apple Dayand World Aids Day and National Christmas Lights Day 2: National Fritters Day and National Mutt DayZucchini & Corn FrittersNational
celebrations: week 47
Coming up this week: 20: National Peanut Butter Fudge DayEasiest Peanut Butter Fudge 21: World Television DayWorld Television Day 22: National Cashew Day and Go for a Ride Day 23: Thanksgiving and Espresso Day and Eat a Cranberry DayEat a Cranberry DayNational Espresso Day 24: Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day and Buy Nothing Day 25:
celebrations: week 45
Coming up this week: 6: National Nachos Day 7: Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day and Hug a Bear Day 8: National Cappuccino Day and National Harvey Wallbanger Day and Cook Something Bold Day and International Tongue Twister Day 9: National Scrapple Day and World Freedom Day 10: National Vanilla Cupcake Day 11: National Sundae Day
GBK Gwyneth