celebrations: week 22
Coming up this week: 31: Memorial Day and National Macaroon Day and National Meditation Day June: 1: National Go Barefoot Day and World Milk Day and Flip a Coin Day 2: National Rocky Road Day and Leave the Office Early Day 3: Repeat Day and National Egg Day 4: National Donut Day – 1st Friday

celebrations: week 21
Coming up this week: 24: First Morse Code Message Sent and National Escargot Day I would imagine that if you could understand morse code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.– Mitch Hedberg 25: International Geek Pride Day/Towel Day and National Wine Day and National Tap Dance Day and National Brown-Bag-It Day A towel, [The

celebrations: week 20
Coming up this week: 17: National Cherry Cobbler Day and Pack Rat Day 18: National Cheese Souffle Day and Visit Your Relatives DayClassic Cheese Soufflé 19: National Devil’s Food Cake Day and National Boy’s Club and Girl’s Club Day 20: Strawberry Picking Day and National Quiche Lorraine Day and Be a Millionaire Day 21: American

celebrations: week 19
Coming up this week: 10: Clean up Your Room Day and National Shrimp Day and Military Spouse Appreciation Day 11: Twilight Zone Day and Eat What You Want Day 12: National Nutty Fudge Day and Limerick Day 13: National Apple Pie Day and National Fruit Cocktail Day and Hummus Day 14: National Buttermilk Biscuit Day

celebrations: week 18
Coming up this week: 3: International Tuba Day and National Two Different Colored Shoes Day and National Specially-abled Pets Day 4: Star Wars Day and International Firefighters Day and National Orange Juice Day 5: Cinco de Mayo and National Hoagie Day 6: No Diet Day and National Nurses Day and National Crepes Suzette Day and

customer service.
In the past year or so, I have had to contact customer service more times than I can count. It started with changing and then canceling all my European travel plans due to COVID. Amazingly, I was able to get refunds without ever having to “put on my NY”. Then I had a Company Store

GBK Gwyneth