celebrate: week 48
Coming up this week: 26: National Cake Day 27: National Bavarian Cream Pie Day and Giving Tuesday 28: National French Toast Day 29: National Lemon Cream Pie Day 30: National Mousse day Chocolate Mousse December: 1: Eat a Red Apple Dayand World Aids Day 2: National Fritters Day and National Mutt Day Zucchini & Corn
salt pond.
I think this looks more like a painting than a photograph!
celebrate: week 47
Coming up this week: 19: World Toilet Day and Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day 20: National Peanut Butter Fudge Day Easiest Peanut Butter Fudge 21: World Television Day World Television Day 22: Thanksgiving and National Cashew Day and Go for a Ride Day 23: Espresso Day and Eat a Cranberry Day and Buy Nothing Day
celebrate: week 46
Coming up this week: 12: National Pizza With Everything (Except Anchovies) Day and Chicken Soup for the Soul Day and National Happy Hour Day 13: National Indian Pudding Day and World Kindness Day and Sadie Hawkins Day 14: National Pickle Day and National Spicy Guacamole Day and Claude Monet’s birthday 15: America Recycles Day and
smith college.
What a gorgeous fall day up in Northampton!
project 4: west nile virus
For this project we were tasked with predicting the presence of West Nile Virus in traps in Chicago. This was a group project. View the full notebook.
celebrate: week 45
Coming up this week: 5: Guy Fawkes Day 6: National Nachos Day 7: Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day and Hug a Bear Day 8: National Cappuccino Day and National Harvey Wallbanger Day 9: National Scrapple Day and Cook Something Bold Day 10: National Vanilla Cupcake Day 11: National Sundae Day and International Tongue Twister Day
GBK Gwyneth