Written by GBK Gwyneth5 October, 2018
resources for data science.
techy stuff Article
As I mentioned in Balancing the Boat, I have been following the growth of Data Science for years. I never had the time to dive deep, but the desire was always there. Through the journey of learning about Data Science, I have gathered a number of resources. I hope that by gathering them together here in a one-stop-shop will not only help me, but maybe some others who are looking to learn more as well. My idea is that this post will evolve as my journey continues.
- My Twitter list
- kdnuggets
- PyData
- AndrewYNg
- analyticbridge (Data Science Central)
- KirkDBourne
- LinearDigressions
- kaggle
- IBMDataScience
- thisismetis (Metis)
- Safari Books Online
- Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas
- Storytelling With Data by Kole Nussbaumer Knaflic
- Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python by Joel Grus
- Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil
Online courses:
Meetups (these are local to Atlanta):
Skill development:
Python libraries:
- NumPy
- pandas (Python Data Analysis Library)
- matplotlib
- altair
- seaborn
- bokeh
- scikitlearn
- tensorflow
- keras
- pytorch
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GBK Gwyneth
Impressive collection!