celebrate: week 31
Coming up this week: 30: National Cheesecake Day and International Day of Friendship 31: Jump for Jelly Beans Day and Mutt’s Day and Harry Potter’s Birthday August: 1: National Night Out and National Girlfriends Day and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day and Lughnasadh and National Raspberry Cake Day 2: National Ice Cream Sandwich Day 3:
celebrate: week 30
Coming up this week: 23: National Vanilla Ice Cream Day 24: Amelia Earhart Day and Cousins Day and National Tequila Day 25: National Hot Fudge Sundae Day 26: All or Nothing Day and National Coffee Milkshake Day 27: Walk on Stilts Day and National Scotch Day and National Creme Brulee Day and System Administrator Appreciation
celebrate: week 29
Coming up this week: 16: National Corn Fritters Day and National Personal Chef Day 17: Yellow Pig Day and Peach Ice Cream Day and World Emoji Day 18: National Caviar Day 19: National Hot Dog Day and National Daiquiri Day 20: National Lollipop Day 21: National Junk Food Day 22: Hammock Day and Parents’ Day
cape cod.
I am not at all ready to leave this beautiful place ….
celebrate: week 28
Coming up this week: 9: National Sugar Cookie Day 10: National Piรฑa Colada Day and Teddy Bear Picnic Day 11: World Population Day and National Blueberry Muffin Day and All American Pet Photo Day 12: Pecan Pie Day and Simplicity Day 13: National French Fries Day and International Puzzle Day and Embrace Your Geekness Day
celebrate: week 27
Coming up this week: 2: World UFO Day and I Forgot Day 3: Eat Beans Day and National Chocolate Wafer Day 4: Independence Day and National Country Music Day 5: Workaholics Day and National Apple Turnover Day 6: First Picture Postcard Made and National Fried Chicken Day and National Coffee Milkshake Day 7: Chloe’s Birthday
GBK Gwyneth