clean and organized!
After two weeks of scrubbing, purging, shopping, and making piles, the house is once again organized!
As careful as I am to try to keep things organized all year long, piles grow. Things accumulated. Organization turns to chaos. Clean gets dirty.
For the start of the school year, I like to have a clean, organized house. Some meals planned. A groomed dog. A detailed car. When things are put together, I am more relaxed. Ready to face the challenges of the new year without having to worry about the long to-do list.
It’s a lot of work to get there, even with a small space. Each year, it does get a little easier, but not as much as I hope. Even with all my work to prevent the slow creep of stuff and grubbiness, somehow it happens. And, just perhaps, my standards go up a bit each year too.
GBK Gwyneth
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