![poster - 22 nov 2015](https://gobbledygoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/img-151122-02.jpg)
Written by GBK Gwyneth22 November, 2015
snapshots from gooney road – 22 nov 2015
photo-a-day Article
Today is National Cashew Day.
I got up early and took care of my various projects, read, and had breakfast. Chloe and I worked on organizing the bedroom, doing laundry, and then organizing and cleaning the bathroom. When Phil and Barbara got home, we worked on organizing and cleaning out the entry hall. Barbara made sloppy joes for lunch. After lunch, I cleaned the dining room and did many more loads of laundry. Chloe and Barbara made apple roses for dessert.
- Watched Bonnie and Clyde (1967) – 453 of my #1001films
#BestDayEver #day0056
GBK Gwyneth
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