Written by GBK Gwyneth21 September, 2015
celebrations: week 39 (21-27 sep 2015)
celebrations Article
We celebrated a number of week 38 holidays, including Eat a Hoagie Day and National Linguine Day.
Coming up this week:
21: National Pecan Cookie Day and Miniature Golf Day
22: National White Chocolate Day and Elephant Appreciation Day and Ice Cream Cone Day and Family Day
23: Checkers Day and Fall Equinox
24: National Cherries Jubilee Day and National Punctuation Day and Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving
25: National Comic Book Day and Native American Day
26: Love Note Day and National Public Lands Day and National Pancake Day and Shamu the Whale Day
27: National Chocolate Milk Day and World Tourism Day
Our celebrations from week 38:
14: Eat a Hoagie Day
15: National Linguine Day
16: National Guacamole Day

GBK Gwyneth
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