![lights - 23 sep 2015](https://gobbledygoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/img-150923-17.jpg)
atlanta: munro light
As often happens, that which I want to do gets put off and put off. For a change, I kept my eye on the dates and, though it got done to the wire, insisted on going. Thankfully, despite homework and activities, the girls happily joined me to see Bruce Munro: Light in the Garden at the Atlanta Botanical Garden last night.
We’ve been going to the garden since before Chloe was born – both girls attended years of Young Sprouts. We watched the garden grow and expand. And we never tire of returning. Each time we visit, something has changed. Last night, we found a sweet little “Parisian garden cafe” in what used to be the kitchen garden. And, having lived in Atlanta for as long as we have now, it was inevitable that we would run into someone we know – this time a neighbor.
But the best part of the evening? The lights! Ever since I upgraded my phone, I have stopped carrying around my camera, but I do wish I had brought it last night. I just couldn’t come close to capturing the beauty of the lights. We had left the canopy walk for last, so we were amazed when we arrived on that side of the garden. Not just a self-contained sculpture, but THIRTY thousand lights – hundreds of miles of optic fibers – strung through the forest. Incredible.
GBK Gwyneth
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