snapshots from gooney road – 13 jul 2015
Today is National French Fries Day and International Puzzle Day and Embrace Your Geekness Day.
Up early to take care of a few things and work for an hour before getting the girls up and moving. A slow drive to the Falmouth parking lot to catch the shuttle to Woods Hole for the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard. In Oak Bluffs, we went shopping: Vineyard Vines, The Black Dog, Soft as a Grape. Camille and Rob went to the arcade. We all had lunch at Linda Jean’s – I had fries with my veggie burger to celebrate National French Fry Day.We caught the bus to Edgartown – standing the whole ride. The beach there didn’t have much of a surf, but it was nice enough. The girls played in the water for a while, then we packed up and just made it to the bus that just made the ferry in Vineyard Haven. When we got back, some people went out to dinner while others stayed behind to relax.

GBK Gwyneth
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