meal planning – yet again.
As we being to prepare for the end of the summer and for school to start, it’s that time again — time for meal planning. Seems like every couple of years I get inspired to make an effort at planning meals : eMealz (2009), what’s for dinner (2009), meal planning again (2011), meals once again (2012), and cooking (2015).
This time around, I’m trying something a bit different. Meal planning by assigning a category of meal to each day of the week to help focus our choices. So far what I’ve got is:
Monday: Pasta
Tuesday: Mexican
Wednesday: Asian
Thursday: Fake meat
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: Eat out
Sunday: Soup
Yesterday was mini-taco cups. Today we made a vegetable curry. Tomorrow is veggie dogs (for National Hot dog Day). While I hope that we can try new things a few times a week, I’m going to make a list for each day for us to choose from if no one is feeling creative or inspired.
I hope this works.

GBK Gwyneth
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