above and beyond? or overstepping?
We’ve been walking that fine line in many places recently. When do we react and step out or when do we just let things go? It is such a difficult line to navigate, and the answer is not ever clear.
Camille has been walking the line with her new job — she’s been hired but hasn’t started yet and communication is slow. How can I help her navigate this well when I don’t know the answers?
I still walk that line every day. When do I step in? When do I step away? As you all know, I listen to the police scanner, and I have a nice view of a slice of Decatur. When do I call 911 … when do I let it go? When a neighbor calls 911, do I step in to help, or do I walk away? I’m never sure what I’m doing is the right thing, but I try to do what I think is right.
Today, I had Rob come out to help me fix a signage issue. We only were restoring the status quo after the Slide the City event, but I still let those in charge know that we were restoring the construction signage, just in case. Overstepping? Or helpful? I like to think helpful, but I’ll never know.

GBK Gwyneth
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