Written by GBK Gwyneth22 July, 2015
snapshots from gooney road – 22 jul 2015
photo-a-day Article
Today is Hammock Day. A morning of work. Chloe went to babysit for a few hours. The girls had a nice afternoon of cooking, cleaning and crafting together. We made a curry for dinner, then Rob took the girls back-to-school shopping at Target in the evening.

Written by GBK Gwyneth22 July, 2015
meal planning – yet again.
food Article
As we being to prepare for the end of the summer and for school to start, it’s that time again — time for meal planning. Seems like every couple of years I get inspired to make an effort at planning meals : eMealz (2009), what’s for dinner (2009), meal planning again (2011), meals once again

GBK Gwyneth