Written by GBK Gwyneth13 July, 2015
snapshots from gooney road – 13 jul 2015
photo-a-day Article
Today is National French Fries Day and International Puzzle Day and Embrace Your Geekness Day. Up early to take care of a few things and work for an hour before getting the girls up and moving. A slow drive to the Falmouth parking lot to catch the shuttle to Woods Hole for the ferry to

Written by GBK Gwyneth13 July, 2015
celebrations: week 29 (13-19 jul 2015)
celebrations Article
We celebrated a number of week 28 holidays, including Chocolate Almonds and Macaroni Day. Coming up this week: 13: National French Fries Day and International Puzzle Day and Embrace Your Geekness Day 14: Bastille Day 15: National Gummi Worm Day and National Tapioca Pudding Day 16: National Corn Fritters Day and National Personal Chef Day

GBK Gwyneth