Written by GBK Gwyneth19 May, 2015
snapshots from gooney road – 19 may 2015
photo-a-day Article
Today is National Devil’s Food Cake Day and National Boy’s Club and Girl’s Club Day.
Up very early to clean the house, walk the dog, prepare for the trip and work. Phelix was so excite when his grandma arrived! We gathered up my stuff and left, but Phelix ran into the hall. He was not going to get left behind, poor pup. The drive down to Savannah was uneventful. We stopped at Moe’s for an early lunch then took a drive through the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge – very pretty! We found Barbara’s conference hotel and then our hotel. The room was not ready, so I sat in the bar and had appetizers while working. Very pleasant. When I went up to the room, I worked until I fell asleep from exhaustion.
GBK Gwyneth
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