protecting my time.
I’m notorious for quickly finding a new project whenever I seem to find a spare minute. I’ll decided to start a new blog, volunteer for some organization, learn something new. And then I have Yet again. What a terrible cycle.
As I worked to free myself from all of my (mostly) self-created obligations over the year, I’ve come to realize that I need to be a bit more protective of my time and what I expend my energy on. Do I really want to take on this new project? How does it fit in with my current goals?
I also catch myself filling my time “online”. Checking Facebook, Twitter, blogs, news. More often than is useful. If I don’t feel like doing something, then I need to let myself take a break. A real break. Read a book. Go for a walk. Meditate. Something that will re-energize me. Not having me feel like “Where did those twenty minutes go?”
Instead of diving into new projects willy-nilly, I’ve created a wonderful list of ideas. The list is organized by “topic” and “theme” — last year’s theme was “Simplify and Prepare”. The theme for 2015 will be “Energy and Empowerment”. I have five more themes following these two, and most any idea I come up with fits into one of those. This gives me time to consider the idea and ensures that I won’t overwhelm myself.

GBK Gwyneth
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