Written by GBK Gwyneth25 March, 2014
snapshots from gooney road – 25 mar 2014
photo-a-day Article
Work and school. Chloe’s pants didn’t meet dress code, so I had to run a pair over to Renfroe for her. The internet was up and down all day long, and I was frustrated and falling further and further behind on what I needed to get done. The girls came home just before 5; Chloe
Written by GBK Gwyneth25 March, 2014
volunteering: red cross – office worker
volunteer Article
While I haven’t been out on a “DAT response” to a fire in some time, I have actually spent three afternoons at the main office learning how I can assist there. While I do hope to go to fires on occasion, I finally realized the unpredictability and the six-hour shifts of being on call doesn’t
GBK Gwyneth