Written by GBK Gwyneth21 March, 2014
snapshots from gooney road – 21 mar 2014
photo-a-day Article
A morning of school and work. Carpool and rides. Rob took the Subaru out to Carmax to get a quote on selling it; he was there a long time and had picked out a number of cars to buy while waiting. Rob picked up Harmony, Camille and Claire on the way home.
Written by GBK Gwyneth21 March, 2014
photo friday: lovely light at edisto beach state park
Beach . Camping . photo friday . South Carolina Article
One of my favorite things to do while at the beach is to get up early and watch the sun rise. While it was a bit too chilly for me to want to spen too much time on the beach so early in the morning, I did manage to get oout of my warm sleeping
GBK Gwyneth