Written by GBK Gwyneth17 March, 2014
snapshots from gooney road – 17 mar 2014
photo-a-day Article
I got up at 5:30 to get off to a great start on my week. Girls off to school (Chloe forgot her phone AND her lunch.) Rob headed to Florida with his parents. I worked, but more importantly, resolved my health insurance billing issue and postponed my jury duty until AFTER spring break. I ran
Written by GBK Gwyneth17 March, 2014
celebrations: week 12 (17-23 mar 2014)
celebrations Article
We celebrated a few week 11 holidays, including Pi Day! Coming up this week: 17: St. Patrick’s Day 18: Oatmeal Cookie Day 19: Swallow’s Return Day and National Chocolate Caramel Day 20: National Ravioli Day and National Quilting Day and Spring Equinox and Snowman Burning Day 21: National French Bread Day 22: World Water Day
GBK Gwyneth