Written by GBK Gwyneth16 March, 2014
snapshots from gooney road – 16 mar 2014
photo-a-day Article
A morning of tackling items on the todo list, with a couple of large dents having been made. Bob and Margaret arrived in the late morning to go to Chloe’s meet with Rob. Camille and I went to Target to get things for our upcoming trip. Chloe came in second overall at her gymnastics meet.
Written by GBK Gwyneth16 March, 2014
snapshots from gooney road – 15 mar 2014
photo-a-day Article
Phil and Barbara got up and left very early. I got up around 6 to take care of various things before heading out to volunteer at the Tour deCatur. Rob and Chloe ran the 5K. When I got back, Bob and Margaret had arrived. Chloe and I walked Phelix and Ozzie. In the evening, we
GBK Gwyneth