overdoing it.
Labor Day here in Decatur means, at the minimum, Dragon*Con and the Decatur Book Festival. This year as with last year, Rob and the girls have gotten a hotel room at Dragon*Con in order to have a comfortable place to crash during the day and to allow them to spend more time with friends and playing games. For me, that means a long weekend at home where I can tackle lots of my projects, right?
So, what do I do? I volunteer at the Decatur Book Festival. And not just an hour or two. I volunteered for 16 hours. SIXTEEN hours!! On top of being behind at work because of time spent helping the girls get ready and the rapid packing leaving the house in utter chaos, I have not had a moment that has not been volunteering, resting or cleaning. Oh, and playing with or walking the dog. With only me here and not that much, he insists that I play with him every second. Even this second as I try to type blog post this out.
Tomorrow will be no holiday for me. I will have to work to make up hours. I will have to clean more. I will have to play with Phelix the dog. I will have to prepare for the week ahead.
So much for all the plans that I made for the long, quiet weekend alone at home, such as doing a little design work on this blog, catching up on our Summer 2013 Passports and other projects that have been on hold for too long. Will I learn from this? Will I reduce the hours that I volunteer so as to have ome time to myself? Probably not. I’ll just overdo it again and then have to vent once again.

GBK Gwyneth
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