incremental steps forward, but big steps back
Or lots of extra steps for me today.
Or hours behind at work.
Or “My house looks great FINALLY!”
When we moved to Decatur, I gave up the cleaning service that we had for over ten years, even through a move across county. We moved from a large house to a two-bedroom apartment — how hard could that be?
Apparently, difficult, time-consuming and depressing. I tried. I tried harder. But I just could never keep up, nor clean anything to the degree that I felt good about.
And then we move again to another condo down the hall. We hired a cleaning service to clean up the OLD unit to get it prepared to rent, but our new unit, treated horribly by the renters (disposal full of cigarette butts, etc), was cleaned by Camille and me. We scrubbed and scrubbed, but never did a great job. With the girls in school and the dog around, it is hard to keep up with all the dirt and grease in addition to the organizational issues that we are slowly addressing (yes, the unit is identical to the other, but we’re still trying to make things work).
After months of stressing, we finally hired a cleaning service (the same we used for our other unit) to come help with our issues.
For the first cleaning, I asked for a deep cleaning. Turned out to be a rainy day. What to do with a DOG on a rainy day? Discover al the backroads, it seems. When the rain finally let up, Phelix and I enjoyed a little hike at Arabia Mountian.
I lost three hours at home, so I’m behind at work and behind on my to do list. On the bright side, at least now when I do play catch up, I won’t be grumbling about how dirty the house is!

GBK Gwyneth
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