meeting gabby douglas
What a zoo it was at the gymnastics center when Chloe and I arrived. I dropped her off at the blocked driveway, then went to park the car much further down the street. By the time I got back, the gym was crowded with kids and parents awaiting the arrival of Gabby Douglas.
Chloe had a little bit of her usual team practice, but then it was time to get ready for Gabby to arrive! She came in tottering in high heels, barely making it across the mats in the gym. Very quickly, she spoke a few words and then opened the floor up to a nice long Q&A session. Chloe even got to ask her a question!
The kids then lined up to have their books signed. The line moved along nicely. with everyone getting to say hi and get a photo and/or hi-5. Unfortunately, Chloe’s group was amongst the last to go. Gabby had five minutes to get through the last 30 kids. It was very, very rushed, and Chloe really felt gypped. She had waited so patiently, and then lost out on getting to even say hi to Gabby. She was frustrated that kids who weren’t on the team — and kids who weren’t even members of the gym — had the chance to meet her.
Chloe was so sad that she broke into tears in the parking lot.

GBK Gwyneth
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