Written by GBK Gwyneth26 August, 2012
instagram: fellini’s pizza
photo-a-day Article
After the girls and I got home form the cabin, unpacked, cleaned up, bought groceries and went swimming, we walked down to Fellini’s to get some pizza. Since I’m planning to go “wheat-free” tomorrow, it was my last hurrah, and I wanted to make it a tasty one.
Written by GBK Gwyneth26 August, 2012
Georgia: Kolomoki Indian Mounds
Camping . ga history . Georgia State Parks . Plains Region Article
Last weekend, the girls and I loaded up Evie for a weekend of camping at Kolomoki Mounds Historic Park as part of Camille’s native cultures in Georgia. From Kolomoki Mounds Historic Park: This historically significant park is the oldest and largest Woodland Indian site in the southeastern United States, occupied by American Indians from 350
GBK Gwyneth