run with the dogs 5K
The girls didn’t want to do it. They didn’t want to get up early on a Saturday. They didn’t want to go out in the cold. (Cold? It was in the mid-50s at 8am!) They really didn’t want to walk 3 miles. But, I got them out the door and over to Decatur High School for the Run with the Dogs 5K. Chloe *loved* that there were so many dogs of all shapes and sizes in the race, including ones that got to ride in their own strollers!
Chloe was hungry when we got there, so I grabbed a banana from the after-race snack pile — I’m guessing that feeding a hungry little racer was probably and okay thing to do. We also ran into a neighbor who assured us that Fleet Feet does have kids’ sizes — I’ll take Chloe and myself over there for shoes sometime this week; Chloe and I both wore Keens in the race since those are the shoes that fit us well.
The race started, and we were off!! Chloe walked with me and Camille for the first 5-10 minutes, then she decided to run. And Camille and I never saw her again. Because of my shin splints, I knew that I would not do much better than a 20 minute mile, but I tried to keep up at least that pace. It is a little discouraging to get lapped by the runners that have finished and are running the route a second time and when the rear pace car passes you too!
Camille and I came in under an hour — a better time than I had hoped for — and made it just in time to see CHLOE called up to get a plaque for finishing third in her age group! Chloe was so shaken by placing that she cried for five minutes. Funny girl. Her time was 37:10. Since her number was 333 and she came in third in three mile race, it’s too bad that she didn’t finish at 33:33!

GBK Gwyneth
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