chloe’s new shoes
This weekend, the girls and I participated in the Run with the Dogs 5K and much to my (and her) surprise, my Chloe won third prize in her age group. No training, ran in jeans, walked with me for the first half mile, but she still managed to rock! (I have no idea how *I* gave birth to a child like her, but I did.)
Since she ran it in her Keens Sandals, I told her I’d buy her a nice pair of sneakers this week. And, wouldn’t you know it, our very nice neighbors (they share a WALL with my noisy girls, so they really must be nice run the great shop down the street, Fleet Feet. Chloe got properly fitted and tried on a number of sneakers until she found the right pair. And once she did, she was in heaven. As a hard-to-fit wide footed person, I know and appreciate the joy that comes in finding that great pair of shoes.

GBK Gwyneth
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