Restless Chloe
We walked in the door from a long day of homeschool classes, lunch with friends, gymnastics class, a library run. (Thursdays are rough on me.)
Chloe was “tired”. Chloe “doesn’t nap”. Chloe disappeared for five minutes, then returned claiming boredom. Outside, inside. Decided to clean up a “junkie” pile, but got bored and stopped, leaving said pile on the living room floor. Next stop, the kitchen. She decided to bake cookies, got out half the ingredients and then realized that we were low on butter. She moved on, leaving all the ingredients and cookbooks on the counters. Outside, inside. She went over to Camille and annoyed her for a while. She headed to the basement to look at art supplies, but returned uninspired. Finally, she asked if she could play Wii for a little while. “Yes. Yes, please!”
I have no idea what gets into her head at times like these. She is far less adept at entertaining herself than Camille. It can be quite a challenge to not resort to electronic entertainment when she’s in a mood like this. And when I have a million things to catch up on at work and home after having spent a full day offline.
GBK Gwyneth
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