cranky momma in the kitchen
Not the cooking part. I actually don’t mind that bit very much, and, now that Camille is doing a bit of the cooking, it isn’t a problem.
Not the cleaning part. I admit, I do get very cranky when the kitchen doesn’t get cleaned up. Or when food gets left out in pots or on the counters for hours or even overnight.
No, the part that annoys me the most is when I get home from the grocery store and everyone crowds into the kitchen. Why? Are they expecting that I’ve brought them treats?
Every single time I get home from the store, I have to chase out all the people. People who stand in my way while I try to unpack. People who beg me to open the xyz that I bought for tomorrow night’s dinner.
I suppose I could simply ask them to help unpack. But they unpack groceries worse than they load the dishwasher. I’d never find anything. Full would be placed in front of half-full, and we’d end up with two open half-full. Our fridge is hard enough to manage as it is. Two turtle foods. Three loaves of bread (each camping trip gets a new loaf, a new jar of peanut butter, etc.) . Four open cheeses. Five jellies. Six salad dressings.
You hear me coming up the stairs with groceries? Hide until I’m all done unpacking them, okay?
GBK Gwyneth
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