brewing storm – 28 feb 2011
The much anticipated storm rolled in hours after it was predicted to arrive. And then, while intense, was over quickly. When the retaining wall at our old house collapsed, I had worried that I would never again enjoy a storm… but, once again, I do.
Tomorrow is March already??
I’m not ready for it to be March already!! Where did February go, I wonder? I more inspired than ever to make this a great, energy building month. My goals continue to be to avoid junk food like chips and sweets and calorie drinks. I did fairly well on that in February, and I’m hoping
Mondays are for Dreaming: (The Wonderful World of) Disney
Ah Disney. Every family dreams of heading to Disney. Or not. I personally don’t dream of Disney. But my kids sure do…almost as much as they dream of going back to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It’s not that they’ve never been to Disney. Truth be told, they’ve been to Disney on three continents.
spring – 27 feb 2011
Despite not feeling well, I was still able to enjoy the spring-like day a little bit …
To be ill or not to be ill
I am so frustrated with this “illness”. I’m just sick enough to feel low on energy and to want to not socialize in fear of infecting someone else. I’m not sick enough to throw in the towel and crawl into bed with no guilt. Today I’ve worked, done laundry, cleaned the house, made a goodwill
Travel Tip: I’m Lost
Reading Travelling with Doggie Tags from The Wee Life, I was reminded of a post I wrote almost two years ago, just before I put this blog on hiatus for a year. Since then, we’ve managed to lose Chloe twice, once in NYC and once in Istanbul. Given, in both cases we lost her for
gazoo – 26 feb 2011
Gazoo enjoyed the quite midday while the girls were gone but I was home to let her in and out as she pleased. What a life!
Seeing: Audubon Aquarium of the Americas
We spent our Monday in New Orleans sailing on the river, inhaling powdered sugar and riding the rails, waiting for it to be Tuesday when the museums would be open. Tuesday morning the girls and I headed down to the waterfront to visit the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas. We had already decided to splurge
mixed up files
As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, we’ve been spending time decluttering, organizing and simplifying. Years ago, when I had 10 CDs and 5 DVDs, I didn’t worry about putting things back in the right boxes. I had so few, it didn’t matter. I’d find the one I was looking for quickly enough. When
vase – 25 feb 2011
Today was a pleasant day. I worked but was not anxious or worried. I was relaxed. The house was picked up a bit. The girls were content. It was pizza night.
procrastinating no longer
I’ve never been much of a procrastinator. I’ve generally had everything I needed to get done done and way before it needed to get done. But lately, I’ve been twiddling my thumbs more, web surfing, social media-ing and doing other meaningless, time-wasting activities. I eventually get everything done that I wanted to get done and
Photo Friday: South of the Border
If you’ve ever driven on I-95 in the Carolinas, you’ve seen the billboards. Almost as prevalent as the signs for Lookout Mountain, they grab your attention. On our trip to Wilmington, NC, to pick up my new car last week, I gave in to the signs, and we stopped…at South of the Border, “America’s favorite
fencing – 24 feb 2011
Chloe loves her fencing class on Thursdays …
Thursday, Thursday
As I’ve mentioned about a million times to anyone who will listen, I hate Thursdays. I admit, it is partly a monster of my own creation. I choose to schedule library day and Chloe’s gymnastics on the same day as homeschool classes in order to free up the rest of the week. Having only one
Getting Around: New Orleans Streetcars
After our ride on the ferry, stop for beignets at Cafe du Monde and a stroll through the French market, the girls and I found ourselves at the end of the Riverfront streetcar line. After talking with the conductor, I decided we should buy an all-day pass and ride the rails. We first rode the
gazoo – 23 feb 2011
Chloe claims that Gazoo was playing spy but that her ears gave her away.
Getting Around: NOLA Ferry
Our first full day in New Orleans was a beautiful Monday. Museums, as most probably know, are often closed on Mondays and that holds true of the museums in New Orleans. The girls wanted to go to the zoo, the aquarium and the insectarium … all of which are closed on Mondays (other than Lundi
what i learned today
I guess I didn’t learn anything this week …. strange. I must have been too busy having my mid-life crisis…Maybe this next week I’ll learn something interesting. what i’m reading: The Doctor and the Diva: A Novel by Adrienne McDonnell now following: @johnweeks wish list: new potholders bed linens that actually cover my bed the
gardening – 22 feb 2011
A gorgeous day here in Pine Lake! Chloe was inspired to work in the garden for a bit…
home again
The girls and I packed up our campsite, unplugged the van, unpopped the top and rolled on out…nervously. I am fearful of driving large vehicles. I am fearful of driving cars for which I have no knowledge of their histories. And I am fearful of running out of gas. Given that the fuel gauge doesn’t
GBK Gwyneth