One Small Step
A bunch of my friends on Facebook have started to post simple thing they do each day that bring them an “incremental step” towards being who they really want to be. I’ve avoided this movement for a while, but, this weekend, decided it might fit well with my plans to find more energy. There are little things around that are dragging me down. None of them are insurmountable, but when added together, they seem impossible.
Today I took the small step of cleaning the car. Chloe and I took it to the car wash. I emptied all the “compartments”, finding things that should have been tossed or placed elsewhere long ago. CDs were gathered up and added to another day’s “incremental step”.
It wasn’t much, but I feel the load has been lightened, and it gives me hope. I look forward to tackling tomorrow’s small challenge!!
GBK Gwyneth
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