Photo Friday: Sirius/XM in Washington DC
The girls and I started making trips up to XMRadio to be in the audience of live recordings back in 2006. On our first trip, we left at 1am in order to get there with plenty of time to spare. We’ve taken a large number of weekend trips to DC for concerts since then. The year that Rob had an apartment in DC made the trips that much easier!
It takes about ten hours to get to DC from our house. If the concert is late enough in the day, we can leave early and make the trip in one day, but if the concert is earlier, we spend the night on the route. We’ve stayed in the same hotel so many times the kids know it well. We dump the car at Union Station (same spot overtime) and either walk or take metro up to XM.
When we first started going, there were no food options, but with the construction of the new hotel, there are now a number of cafes. The girls always opt for sandwiches at Au Bon Pain.
XM is my happy place. The second I walk in the door, I feel myself relax. I just love being there. The DJs of our favorite station Kids Place Live are super friendly. The concerts are always so fun. When the show ends, I can’t bear to leave. I make excuses and reasons for us to hang out just a little longer.
This week’s concert was Dog on Fleas, a super fun band. Dean Jones is also the producer of a wonderful kindie compilation CD, Many Hands for Haiti, whose proceeds go to the Haitian People’s Support Project..
This is an entry for Delicious Baby’s Photo Friday. For a recap and videos from the show, visit my kids’ music blog Gooney Bird Kids.
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GBK Gwyneth
You’re lucky to have such a cool kid’s activity so near you! Sounds like fun!
Sonja – DC is about ten hours from Atlanta. While I don’t think of it as very far, I don’t think I’d call it “so near”
We do enjoy our weekend trips up to DC for these shows, though!!