homeshooling year begins
A few weeks ago, the girls and I decided that we would begin our 2010-2011 homeshooling year on Monday, Aug 16th. The classes they are planning to take with our homeschool group don’t start until mid-September, but if we started their other curricula that late, we’d be schooling into June, something we’d like to avoid. We’ve created a schedule of weekly tasks for each girl in order to help us stay on track throughout the year.
Some families don’t follow a schedule as much as we do, but we are quite relaxed. So relaxed that I decided we could start our year of homeschooling away from home. Some subjects travel better than others, so we brought what we could and left the rest to start on Thursday. Chloe has many new subjects this year, and I’m hoping to get her to the point where she is doing more and more on her own. On the other hand, I’m trying to get Camille to let me help her more than I have in the past. I’m hoping to be able to catch any trouble areas that she has managed to gloss over in the past couple of years.
So here we are, hard at work, this first week of school.
GBK Gwyneth
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